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Then they met up on the dome of the Mosque
she seemed to be the one encouraging as she lay flat on her belly
Then they mated
and she flew off
Luxor temple and the mosque from my roof
The next sequence of shots shows where the falcon has its nest
views are from the window where I work on the computer.
I was up at first light 6.15 setting up the camera on its tripod to make sure there was less shake while shooting but as always birds are so unpredictable, they decided to go to the tower behind me and that is in the sun, so no good shots of the first tread after he done the business he flew on to a more suitable area to get a decent shot .
The male checking on the nest
The tower where the nest is near the Temple at Luxor.
I think this photo is proof these are the The Lesser Kestrel. The population of this SMALL bird of prey is declining seriously, and the species is now listed among the world's threatened birds. The male is more easily told by its blue-grey head. and pale feet (not Black)
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