The great white Egret in flight
The kestrel going off in search of breakfast it did have its eye on the sparrow but then saw me on the roof.
Then it came back a few minutes later and decided to tread the female in full view of the passing balloonists. no shame have these birds.
Then the doves started to get frisky
and the chick must have been wondering why its parents where fighting.
Undeterred by yesterdays booby (going out without putting the memory card in the camera)
I went on my daily walkabout at 7.00 it was too early for the birds I wanted to photo, The Nile valley sun birds start feeding on the hibiscus plant nectar as the sun rises above the plants about 8.30 so had an hour to kill and it was just the right time not to get any hassle from the local Idiots. too early for them to rise ,
I walked the 3 kilometer to Karnak Temple along the new avenue of the sphinx, taking photos on how the new dig was taking shape go to in an hour or two here its 16.00 cairo time, 2 hours ahead of gmt.
By the time I got down to the area along the promenade near the Cruise ships, the little white egret or shall we say the little gray oily egret was busy looking for scraps of food the kind crews of the boats had thrown overboard for them,
A steppe buzzard was also on the hunt for food it seems my camera gives them the scares maybe it thinks I am going to shoot it. which I did, and it flew off
These Kingfishers were making a lot of noise they must think the reflection from the boats balcony windows
was another bird.
Talking away to its new found friend another one joined in.
and the poor little gray egret was still paddling in the oily waters of the Nile. more on Nile pollution on my website.
Undeterred by the pollution are the fishermen, reminds me of the days at the funfair as a child, I would pay my penny, given a rod with a piece of string with a hook attached to the end where if I managed to hook one if the fish or ducks floating in the rotunda waters I would get a prize, the prize here seems to be an empty bottle of water or an empty fizzy drinks can.
Not going to mention the pollution again it just gets me annoyed seeing it.
And this is the reason I came to the Nile's edge to get more Hassle.
This believe it or not is a secret policeman who is here to stop the very thing he was doing! hassle
first he stepped out of the garden while I was trying to get a shot of the bird taking nectar. then thinking I was into flowers , which I am, but do not tell him, I have a blog called
he picked a purple flower head offered it to me with a hand out wishing for me to give him some money.
First I dislike people who cut flowers, I like, no love , the flowers in nature, half of the shots tody are of plants and flowers they also will be put on egyptplants. + I am not gay, his intention today as with a lot of these pricks is to find out if I am, so now you are famous Mr police man.
And on with the birds and bees as they are in nature.
this young female "playing peek aboo" or it could be a young male not until next breeding season will it grow its full plumage.
Feeding on the nectar from the base of the Hibiscus flower.
Then the birds started to get nervous. not until I looked up did I see the reason why.
Oooh! thats a big one you have got must really like flowers. problem is with these people, they see nothing and do not understand why I take photos of that said nothing, they see me as an idiot with more money than sense. and the first opportunity they get,, as proven a few minutes later when I needed to go up to the area they are the begging hand was out yet again. they like watching nature programmes a recent thing added to the tv listings here in Egypt . but only as long as its something killing something else,
so while the birds have been upset. I took a few flower pictures, that seemed to please my followers.
ooh look its David Attenborough ,
Yes its very nice
The Male Nile valley sun bird. I have waited 12 months to get shots like these
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