Male and female not sure which is which.
The little white heron
blue-cheeked bee eater
The Nile valley sun bird Male. 3/5/10 Today I called into the restaurant called Puddle-ducks, here in Luxor. run by a couple of friends, I hope I am anyway, excellent food, if you are in Luxor call in .
Puddleduck, St Joseph Street, Luxor, Egypt
They live across the river on the west bank of the Nile, and we got talking about the wildlife as usual, she was saying never has she seen so many of the Nile valley sun birds, coincidentally all the following shots where taken on the scrub land next to her house.
Male and female
taking nectar from the mallow flower.
hoopoe bird
Little stint
Not sure what but its warbler ? barred warbler sylvia nisoria?????
Ring necked plover
yellow wagtail ( black headed) fledgling.
Night heron
There are photos of 70 different species of birds on my blog all have been taken around the Luxor area,
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